Best Outgoing Students of 2015 - Part 1
The Best Outgoing Student award was given to the top performers of each department in the recently concluded “TECH” day. The bridge took time to interview some of them, which will be featured in a series of articles. This article features excerpts from the interview of M. Lakshman Prasad (B.E. Mechanical, 2011-2015), Dinesh Kumar. R (B.E. Civil, 2011-2015) and Vrindha. V (M.E. Software engineering, 2013- 2015).
Q. What was the reason for choosing this particular stream?
“The decision was made out of my own interest. Once I was done with my board exams, it struck me like a lightning that Civil engineering is the course for me. I didn’t do any deep thinking, but it occurred to me just like that. I am good at computers. But I figured out that that is my personal interest, whereas Civil Engineering is my professional interest.” says Dinesh. Lakshman adds that his love for live objects and machines made him choose Mechanical engineering.

Vrinda, currently pursuing her masters in Software Engineering is a student of Government Engineering College, Pallakad. She has also worked in Infosys for a couple of years before joining PSG Tech. “When I decided to pursue PG with a good GATE score, the first college that everyone suggested was PSG Tech. As I inquired about the college, I came to know about the independent style of learning at PSG which makes it better than the rest. Also, having heard of the vast library and other infrastructure facilities at PSG, I was convinced.”

Q. What is your say on co-curricular activities?
“Taking an interest in studies alone is too mainstream. My fellow cadets and I are still active in NCC. As a team, we had endured all the physical training during the first year. Though it was very tiring, we had our own fun moments. I have attended 3 camps and they were all such wonderful times. Going to summer school to University of Hull was also a very good learning experience.” says Dinesh.
“Coding and playing Badminton are my hobbies.” adds Vrinda.
“I generally attend many symposiums, workshops and participated in design challenges. I have achieved top positions in NASA Create the future contest at international level and Honeywell Young Innovator challenge etc. I am currently participating in the Bosch Innovation contest and Jed I project challenge. I have won Manakulavinayagar State award and NIT Kozhikode National award for the best project. I have applied for a Patent (1386/CHE/2014) for my project. Internships at Robert Bosch and IIT Madras have also helped me gain knowledge”, says Lakshman.

Q. What are your future plans?
“I am planning to do my PG in Advanced Construction Management at National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR), Pune after which I will be taking up a job.” says Dinesh. Vrinda says that she has an interest towards coding and would love to become a teacher in the future. Lakshman says “My interest is fully towards research and innovation. I have been placed in Mahindra & Mahindra Automobile and Farm sector in the Research and Development division. I would like to work for the company and become an expert in my own field. I have an idea of doing higher studies related to Design Engineering and Product development that would help me in my research oriented job.”

Taking proper notes and concentrating during the class hours helped them grow academically while balancing the other things. All three of them agree that the time they spent with their friends is the most precious and treasured memory from PSG Tech. Besides, the tours and industrial visits have been memorable too. Dinesh says that these four years at PSG Tech are the curing period of his life. (Talking in civil engineering terms, curing is the process, after which the concrete attains the desired properties.) “It was like a wonderful 4 year cricket match with its shares of sixes and wickets” says Lakshman.

Q. Your advice to the student community.
“Being a good human being is the first thing. Respect your parents. They are the only reason for what you are today and you need their blessings to succeed. Be nice to everyone. Be humble. Talk facts. Listen to people. Respect them and respect their ideas too. You may not always be correct. Last but not the least, believe in yourself.” says Dinesh. Lakshman says “Choose your goal, try to become involved in it and do your fullest. Enjoy what you do, don’t bother about failures and chase your goal.”
Team Bridge wishes all the best to these achievers for a very good future ahead.