The Home Coming

On Campus Jan 3, 2017

A brief summary of the Alumni Congress  2016

On the eve of the 24th of December, the campus of PSG College of Technology witnessed the much-awaited re-union of our alumni. The feeling of returning home and feeling nostalgic – are inexplicable. It was no wonder that the atmosphere was emotional, as people rekindled their memories and awed at the changes time had brought about.

The Agenda

The Alumni Congress 2016 hosted by the PSG Tech Alumni Association commenced with an inaugural function in the morning at the assembly hall (Read Of Old Friends and Lost Memories). After the brief introductory session, the gathering broke for lunch at the canteen and the quadrangle. Few senior alumni caught up with each other and bonded over lunch while few went around the campus, noticing the changes over the years and interacted with the present students and relived their youth.

Post the refreshing lunch, the most anticipated event of the day – ‘The Knowledge Connect’ began. It included about 14 panels, on different streams like Civil, Textile, Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Science and took place simultaneously at 15 different locations within the campus, in the form of live  and video conferences . Each session catered to the interests of students, who were addressed by about 53 alumni of our institution, each successful in their domains serving as entrepreneurs, directors, chairmen, engineers and managers.

The event was able to strike a great balance between both hard Skills and soft skills, thanks to the cleverly planned technical and general panels. Several aspects like higher education, entrepreneurship, industrial expectations, their awaiting challenges and the next-big-thing of each branch were addressed in the technical panels. The general panels, on the other hand, dealt with management, soft skills and emotional intelligence. Each panel was backed by a Q&A session at the end, which allowed interaction between the audience and the speakers. It provided a forum for the exchange of opinions and experiences between the experienced seniors and inquisitive juniors.

The Social Connect’, that included various stalls organized by 5-6 clubs of our college, was conducted parallel to ‘Knowledge Connect ‘. The Fine arts club had set up 5 stalls, which included stalls for glass paintings, instant hand portraits (the one that had the most awe among the crowd), nail art and handmade articles such as threaded jewels, quilled earrings, stocking earrings, paper flowers, glass paintings and embroidery products. Many wonderful paintings by the students adorned the hall. Laughs and giggles were shared at the stall where students created Dubsmash videos for the visitors. All of the stalls, though diverse in their exhibits and activities, did show one feature in common: the dexterity of the students.

Entrepreneurs club or E-club put up a photo booth where alumni were able to take away college memories through photos with quirky signs and one-liners, along with a few activities to bring out the entrepreneurship skills in the participants. The top 150 photos from the Facebook based wildlife photography competition ‘Lens’o’nat’ served as a treat to the eyes. CAP and Nature club put up an array of saplings that were ready to be taken home, planted and cared for. The alumni appreciated the concept of a separate club for nature and believed that it would help in making the earth greener with good participation. Team Dramatix and Rotaract Club conducted various fun games to engage the alumni, their families and their kids during the Alumni congress.

“‘Beyond just being us’ is the motto of the Animal Welfare Club (AWC)”, says HEMAPRIYA.S(B.E – Instrumentation and Control Engg., 2013-2017), Secretary of AWC. Apart from the various connect events, the Alumni Congress 2016 also appreciated the good work done by the joint Humane Animal Society (HAS) (founded by Dr.Madhu Ganesh, visiting professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, and his wife Dr.Mini Vasudevan) and AWC.

Members of AWC and HAS with Dr. Mini Vasudevan
Music expresses that which cannot be said’ ~ Victor Hugo.

After all the excitement throughout the day, followed the most looked forward time of the evening, a Tek Music Show. As is, Tek Music has a reputation in transferring an electric excitement to the audience through music. This evening had a bonus frenzy when the alumni who were part of Tek Music hopped on stage to perform. Just as the sun began to set, the audiences’ souls rose in good feel. Occasional overflow of elation lead singers to drop down from the stage and start dancing with audience below. Even the worries of students and alumni who missed the event were satisfied, as the entire show was casted live on Facebook (Click here), by THE BRIDGE.

As implicit as it seems, every alumni’s phone was filled with selfies, group photos and staged solo poses in the campus. They went home with a bucketload of memories, photographs and contacts.

The reunion served as a pensive, allowing the alumni to reminisce their adulthood in their alma mater. The active participation and enthusiasm of our alumni in all the events once again proved that ‘Age is just a number’. We are thankful to all ex-Techians, who spent their valuable time to share their time, experiences and wisdom.

Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a form of heaven. ~ Tyron Edward.

This reunion has indeed been a blessing, a memory that could be cherished forever and stay fresh in our minds for the years to come.


Gokulanand P

Along with Nityasri, Anirudh Nanduri, Harshini T, Ramanathan Kasiviswanathan

Gokulanand is a car enthusiast and an ardent quizzer.He loves to read and is intrigued by social issues. Movies and art are his areas of interests