Youth Red Cross- Club Focus
Youth is a symbol of insatiable motivation and immense dedication. Even though, the technological revolution had produced many bad hands, there are still service oriented organisations that promise better and healthy living. History tells us that the foundation of Red Cross was rooted back in 1863 when young Swiss businessman, Jean Henry Dunant, regarded as the ‘The Father of Red Cross’ arranged relief services for soldiers wounded in the battlefield of Solferino. A year later, the Geneva Convention considered the suggestion of Dunant in creating a neutral organisation to aid the wounded soldiers at times of war from his book ‘Memory of Solferino and thus the Red Cross Society was born with no religion and politics! Youth Red Cross(YRC) is an important constituent of the Red Cross Society in providing significant contribution to the vulnerable people.
The YRC of PSG College of Technology is one of the 700 branches of the Indian Red Cross that focuses in the improvement of the life of citizens through novel measures. The mission of the club revolves around three motives:
- To protect health
- To promote service and
- To foster friendship
With these motives the club focuses on molding the young generation to inculcate services like Blood Donation, First Aid Training, Human Values and Rights Awareness etc.
The Office bearers of YRC for the academic year 2015-2016 are the following:
- Secretary(Boys)- Savithru M(IV Year,B. Tech Fashion Technology)
- Secretary(Girls)-Rajarajeshwari D(IV Year B.E Electrical and Communication Engineering)
- Joint Secretaries(Boys)-Kaniyarasu A(III Year B.E Civil Engineering), Nirmal Kumar K(III Year B.E Production Engineering)
- Joint Secretaries(Girls)-Karthika(III B. Tech Textile Technology), Ramya. S(III Year, Electrical and Communication Engineering)
- Coordinator- Shruthi S(IV Year B.E Electrical and Communication Engineering)
Along with them, there are six boy executives and eight girls executives from second and third year.
Events and Programs Conducted for 2015-2016
- Disaster Management and First Aid Box Refilling
- Fire and Safety Awareness Program
- Organ Awareness Program
- Medical Camp Phase 1 for Sports students on 26th September and Phase 2 for NCC students on 11th September.
- In regards with the world first aid day, awareness postures were put up on the Q-angle boards on 12th September.
- A Blood Donation Camp was held on 22nd September. Staff and students donated 55 units of blood along with PSG Polytechnic College’s YRC and PSGIMSR. Daily requirements for Blood donation are taken care of. From June till date, blood donation arrangements were made for about 500 patients i.e., about 500 to 600 units of blood.
- Reading sections are conducted regularly for visually impaired students. The club also make Scribes available for them to assist in their exams . Books and study materials are recorded for them to help in their studies. For about 250 students, these assistances are made this year through “Lit a Light ” organisation.
- Under the name, ‘Kaani Nilam Vendum’, regular watering once ina week for plants that were planted at Singanallur is carried out by the club members through the organisation, “My India, My Creation”.
Students watering saplings planted at Singanallur through the project "Kaani Nilam Vendum" - As a follow-up project to last year, Clean City Project to clean Rajiv Gandhi Nagar was undertaken and the wastes are cleaned. Along with that, awareness were created on ‘Segregation of Wastes’ among the locals.
- As per the recently established curriculum, all the first year students must be a part of a at least a club. About 150 students, belonging to various departments of the college have been registered under YRC. As the whole, the events for them are named as ‘Cross Roads’. The club has conducted two events to them:
- The introductory lecture for the first year students was held on 26th September at the IM Lecture Hall. Dr. P.C.Angelo was the guest of honor. The event was named as ‘Grasp the Cadre’. The students were introduced with the club activities and functioning.
Dr. P. C. Angelo addressing the gathering in Guest Lecture for the first year students - Sabdhayudham cum Guest Lecture on 10th October.Dr. P.C. Angelo as guest of honor. The topic was ‘Friendship : a Boon or a Ban’. This event was conducted along with the ROTARACT Club.
First year students' event 'Sabdayudham' - Intrams Events
- Connexions
- Know Your Organs
- Maze Finder
Maze runner event during INTRAMS - Two Mime Shows
- Calligraphy
- Dumb C
- Guide your friend
The Faculty Advisors of the club include Dr. G. Sai Sundara Krishnan and Ms. M. Megala of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science Department.
There are no stringent procedures for the recruitment of volunteers. However executives and Joint secretaries were selected by the Coordinator and the Secretaries. An interview was conducted for the selection under the guidance of the faculty advisors. The Secretaries were selected by the faculty advisors. Postings are for namesake and hence everyone inside the club works the same. “Although many students are eligible for the postings, they work for the club out of their own interest”. The club has been actively in contact with the alumni students from the 2000 batch onwards who have been a source of inspiration and support for the club. The faculties concerned are also lenient with the club members in planning and organisation of the events.
Rhythm, which had been celebrated grandly a few years back with many cultural programs and events was one of the most expected event that the club has planned this year. Due to various reasons, it was not conducted for some years. The club had brought back the event last year with some alterations when physically challenged students of the college showcased their talents in a small yet neat manner. This year it shall be conducted in a grand manner and the funds collected out of it shall put for a good cause.
Another event which the club anticipate the most is the ‘Road Safety Program’, under which plant-lets are planned to be planted along the divider present at the Avinashi road stretch. Under this program, the road accidents that happen every year because of ignorant traffic rules and road safety shall be brought under control. The club is looking towards proper government permissions to implement this vision. Bad news for all those stunt performers and lazy late comers to classes(Oh wait! That include me too!!)
Until two years ago, the YRC of Tech and Polytechnic College(PTC) were functioning together. During that time, Mr. Arul from Physics Department was the faculty advisor for the club which made Sruthi to be a part of the club. “It would really be joyful if YRC of both tech and PTC join together again” says Ms. Sruthi, the Coordinator of the club and a five and half years long member(Sruthi joined YRC when she was at the Polytechnic College due to the Mr. Arul’s inspiration, who is currently the faculty advisor of YRC of PTC).
The club is focusing on establishing numerous measures in the future that could reduce human sufferings to an extent. Being a student-friendly club, any students attending the events conducted by the club shall join the club to provide their service to the club and to the society. After all, it would be the best thing to serve a club that saves many a lives!
- Sabdhayudham cum Guest Lecture on 10th October.Dr. P.C. Angelo as guest of honor. The topic was ‘Friendship : a Boon or a Ban’. This event was conducted along with the ROTARACT Club.