25 Years & Still Rocking
The batch of ‘93 (BE) and ‘94(SW BE) reunited to reminisce and relive the fond memories
By Bharat Kumar Jain (B.E Robotics & Automation, 2016-2020) and Shriram R (B.E EEE, 2017-2021)
Photographs by Shashank Narayanan (MSc TCS, 2017-2022)

The alumni of the 1993 (BE) and 1994 BE (SW) batch of PSG College of Technology gathered in the campus on the 27th of July, 2018 for their silver jubilee reunion. It was a highly anticipated event, made evident by the record turnout that exceeded two hundred. Dr. P Radhakrishnan, Director, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies was the chief guest while Dr. R Rudramoorthy, Principal, PSG College of Technology presided over the convention. Mr. D Nandakumar, President, Alumni Association graced with his presence to felicitate the alumni. In her welcome address, Ms. Latha (BE EEE) recounted her college days (especially the memories of the hostel days and the fervent election campaigns) and took the attendees on a trip down the memory lane.

Mr. Ramesh Ramanathan (BE PRODUCTION) shared the batch report, listing the incredible achievements of the alumni as top managers, scientists, engineers, academicians, bankers, jewelers, film directors, authors and so on; there couldn’t have been a more diverse crowd! About 88% of the alumni live in India and USA; nearly 35% are entrepreneurs and top executives in various governmental and private organisations; about 15 graduates have a PhD. This batch also has about a hundred and forty seven patents to its name – a major number of them owned by Mr. Prakash Mahesh (BE SW EEE) [60], Mr. Rajesh Sundaram (BE EEE) [36] and Mr. Sriram Chandrasekaran (BE EEE) [24].

Following Mr. Ramesh, Dr. D Nandakumar shared the initiatives of the Alumni Association and the various activities carried out by the chapter spread across the globe for the students and the community. Dr. R Rudramoorthy congratulated the alumni on their special day and emphasised on the strong alumni network of the college. The outstanding response of the alumni filled Dr. Radhakrishnan, the chief guest, with immense happiness. He also expressed how proud he was with the contributions made by this batch towards the college for helping the students.

Quickly following was the presentation ceremony, where the alumni expressed their gratitude to their professors. Mementos were presented and warm words were exchanged, as both fraternities came together after a long hiatus. The senior alumni members who had graced the occasion were also felicitated for playing a pivotal role in the development of the Alumni Association.
Dr. K Suresh Kumar (BE Mech SW) announced the endowments created towards scholarships for the student community with the contributions made by the batch Mr. P Suresh Kumar (BE MECH) heartily extended the vote of thanks to all the attendees who had found time to make it to the ceremony despite their busy schedules.
Post lunch, the alumni had brief interactions with the staff members and students of their respective departments, on their experiences – both during and after college days. They took their families on a tour around the campus and had some fun as well; they surprised the youngsters with their vigour in the basketball court.

Calling the programme ‘a commemoration of twenty five years of graduation’ would be an understatement. What caught our eyes wasn’t the formal ceremony on the dias; nor the eminence of the illustrious gathering. It was the infectious energy and the genuine bond between the attendees that left us surprised. The backslapping when friends met after years and the hoots when a video by Mr. Dhanasingh (BE METALLURGY) was played made it quite clear that they had not forgotten the time that they had spent together. It was as if they had never been apart.
“I’m quite overwhelmed right now! It feels amazing to meet all my friends and their families in one place after years!”, said Mr. Nanthakumar (BE PRODUCTION). The consensus was that the fondest memories of the alumni were those from their hostel. “We have had many adventures at the hostel, especially trying to get out past the curfew time”, laughed Mr. Ignatius (BE (SW) MECH), recalling the stunts the gang pulled off. “We used to be so conscious of the water we used for hair wash. It seems quite ironical now, after seeing our receding hairlines”, joked Mrs. Seetha (BE CSE). “I wanted to show my gratitude to the institution which is why I have come all the way from USA.”, said Mr. Prakash Mahesh (BE EEE SW). His only regret was that as a day scholar, he didn’t experience the fun that the hostelers had which still served as a conversation starter among the alumni.

Bringing such a large crowd together from the corners of the world is a herculean task! Talking about organising the event, “We had begun the planning six months prior with representatives from all the departments. We documented every progress and shared it with all the batch mates to ensure active and maximum participation. We are happy that we achieved our mission”, said the organising committee.
BHARAT KUMAR JAIN (B.E. RAE, 2016-2020) is an avid book reader and enjoys reading biographies. He is also interested in badminton and is a numismatist, notaphilist and philatelist.
SHRIRAM R (B.E ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS, 2017-2021) is an avid reader and when he isn’t reading a book, he can be found binge watching English series or listening to songs.
SHASHANK NARAYANAN P (M.Sc. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2017-2022) is an aspiring photographer and a passionate programmer. He has keen interest in collecting trivia and facts about automobiles. He loves anything under the sun that involves anime.
For comments/suggestions/feedback, please write to thebridgepsg@gmail.com