A Struggle for the Future

Miscellaneous May 7, 2015

By G.SoundaryaRoja (B.EComputer Science,2012-2016)
The world as we know is not perfect. Why? You can ask yourself this question over and over again only to land up with multiple answers. Problems and views differ for all. Women being half the population of the world will all have one similar problem on their list, male domination or patriarchy. Deadly diseases out of man’s reach have been found a solution but when will we find a solution for the one well within our own reach?
Feminism and feminists are not a try to bring in women domination, but an ask of equality and mutual coexistence with equal respect for all mankind.External appearance may differentiate us but in physical strength and knowledge, history holds a glorious record of women. Women until date have proven themselves in various fields as men but are yet to be accepted as equals to men. Why?
A guest speaker at the TED-X PSG Tech, Veda Hrudya Nadendla, a Delhi based strong feminist has voiced over problems regarding women submission. She is a city editor and writer at Youth ki Awaaz. She was a president of MAD (Make A Difference) organization of the Chennai branch. She was given the responsibility to head 40-45 children, selling t-shirts and raising funds. This incident in her life made her learn more about managing ability than leadership. She was born to a father who worked in the navy and a strongly brought up mother. Her father was strict and loving. He made her learn varied types of art be it music, dance, horse riding, etc. Her voice is believed to be inherited from her mother and her bravery from her father. She had learnt a lot from him until the death of him at the age of 18 years.
She is a western A capella singer, contemporary jazz dancer, actor, story teller and a Chennai based model. She was part of the famous band ‘Crackapella’ which was formed by her friends and herself during their under graduation and the band dissolved when they completed the course. She likes to play various games like football, basketball and hockey. She was a district level basketball player. She served as a secretary of the model UN committee when she was studying her Bsc Psychology in Ethiraj College, Chennai.
Navy Queen Contest came to her as a surprise. Her father was against her participating in the contest. It was her mother who encouraged her to take part in the contest in the year 2011. There, she was asked two questions, one general question and one personal question. The personal question that made her win the contest was:”How do you relate internal and external beauty?” Her answer was simple but thoughtful.”It’s not how tall you are on the outside but how tall you stand on the inside”.
Her carefree life of 18years came to a sudden end which made her realize that she was living blind to all the injustice done to women around her. The unexpected change in life at the age of 18 was not the end but the birth of a strong feminist. Her mother took over the household as the head simultaneously managing work and her children. She has never once blamed the society but the society on the other hand avoided and rejected her. They didn’t include her for any auspicious prayers regarding her as an outcast.
Veda’s care extended not just to her family but to all women around her. The injustice done to women for incidents they were not responsible is what kindled the fire within her producing the spark. The happiest moment of her life was when she saved a 18 year old girl who was to marry a 40 year old drunkard, all because she had become a burden. Veda has written various articles which speak about child marriage, rejection of a husband because his wife couldn’t give him a son to carry his legacy but 4 daughters in a row etc. She cares a lot about children. She is currently working on her expression skills to communicate with children with the disability to learn. She believes that all children have talent and they deserve a chance to exhibit it in the society.
The thought that there is more to be done is what gives her the determination to carry on. She is driven by the constant hope to find solution, to improve the living conditions of the less fortunate and to give them hope. She has decided to stand firm and voice against the injustice done to women-kind. In the future she has hopes of starting an organization to help the less fortunate and the oppressed women .She dreams to become a HR professional one day.
Saying not to fight for women rights is like asking the people of the past to not fight for the freedom of the blacks she says. She believes that patriarchy will come to an end when people around stop commenting and instructing women what to wear. When time comes where each individual respects each other’s privacy and views will be the beginning of a new world.
To attain equality between mankind can’t be fought by a few. A solution can be reached faster when there are more voices. According to the constitution the rights have been given, but we do not exercise it in our daily life. The injustice can be questioned. The fight today will create a more peaceful tomorrow as history holds exemplary examples to prove this point. A more peaceful place is required for a happy existence for the few years that man has got to live. For the life we dream of, the solution is equality between mankind. So let us do our best to bring justice for a happy tomorrow.
soundaryaG.SOUNDARYA ROJA(B.E CSE,2012-2016)is an enthusiastic programmer and an admirer of literature and traditional music. Everyday learning more and adding on to the knowledge is her strategy.
For comment/feedback/suggestions, please write to thebridgepsg@gmail.com


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