Business in You
Mr. AMIT SURANA (B.E CSE, 2005-2008), a silent star of PSG Tech, neither a hero of TEK music nor an active member of any clubs in Tech, yet the proud owner of ‘Smargav Solutions Pvt Ltd’ tells Team BRIDGE, the ups and downs of business and the path to be treaded to reach the culmination.

The secret of success to leading a successful business is rooted in one’s dream – a dream that is envisioned from one’s childhood. “Whatever you do be happy and confident about it” was his success mantra. He also stresses that the important skills required to turn one’s dreams into reality and build a successful organization are patience and hard work.
“My father is my role model”, he says with a huge smile. Born in a business family, he grew up looking up to his father who owns a textile business. Though the domain of their businesses are seas apart, the core values, company decorum and many other attributes that are vital to run a company, remain unchanged. He says that this is the essence that he derives from his father’s business which plays a crucial role in his own.
Tips are like atoms to form a company - “an early bird catches the worm”, getting an idea at an early stage is a boon, Amit shares with us five tips which served as a constant source of adrenaline throughout his journey.
Golden tip 1: Just start off even if you are alone! Many lack the confidence to start off alone. It is your interpersonal skills and your attitude that will prove beneficial in building your own team. So keep these in constant check!
Golden tip 2: Choose an area or domain where you are strong at or where you think you can really solve a problem. Don’t worry about this at an early stage you’ll realize this on the go.
Golden tip 3: Financial stability is important; if you ever want to start late, do not fall in debt earlier in life.
Golden tip 4: It’s not wrong to start off right after college. It’s just that people who want to start early generally have an idea, but no experience. They have to be strong and have a full stock of will power to face any consequence. So, if you are an adventure seeker and have the will to tread the rigorous path, then go ahead and take the challenge, your perseverance will help you reach the peak.
Golden tip 5: Exposure to the industry, i.e working in a company to be specific, gives you the expertise knowledge required to select and start a business in the domain of your interest. In addition, you try to have a network of people to support you when needed.
These are small things that you can follow while treading the long business path.

Q. At what point of your life, did you think ‘It’s time for my own business’?
I bid good bye to IBM after 4.5 years into the IT industry. I wanted to do work in Mobile solutions and also develop my own ideas. So one fine day, when I realized that I cannot achieve this by being part of a company, I came out. By that time, I had a clear vision of how my company should be and also had a network of people to support me when needed.
Q. Was it the usual reason that made you quit the job, namely frustration that you had to work under someone and couldn’t be the king of the forest?
(The answer was totally ununexpected.)
He said, “No. It was quite the opposite. I had a wonderful time in my company and there came a time I had to move on. Trust me; I always enjoyed my time in IBM. It gave me freedom of thoughts and I met some cool people too. I do attribute a part of success to my company”.
Q. SMARGAV deals with mobile technologies, could you please precisely explain the working of the company?
SMARGAV provides end to end solutions to large enterprises. We are not an Apps company. We provide all solutions related to Mobile. For instance, App+ Web+ Server side for one solution. Our solutions are definitely centered around mobile because we are Mobile people and our goal is to MAKE EVERY ENTERPRISE MOBILE.
You can take a look at one of our projects, Smargav Home, designed to control your home from any Android device.
Q. Tell us about your experience at PSG TECH.
PSG TECH – “Amazing people. Good technical culture”. I have unforgettable experiences in the college, I can never forget the fear that used to grip me when I went to the last floor of the library, and it seemed like an abandoned hall in a bhoot bungalow.
Q. Your words to the future entrepreneurs…
We do not become entrepreneurs in a day or two. Lot of patience and a little courage is required. Everyone who starts should know IT’S OK TO FAIL THAN NOT TO TRY!
Team Bridge wishes him success in his future endeavors and wishes SMARGAV a happy second anniversary!