Techians to Daffians
Observing the existent, reinventing the wheel and gifting the world with the unexplored, have been their mantra since inception. “Daffy design labs” is a startup company which was given life by these venturous people, R V SHIVRAM, ARUNACHALAM V and DANIEL D (MSc. Software Engineering, 2007-2012). They lead the passionately curious squad that aspires to make people’s life easier by working on trying to change the way things work in the conventional way. Team Bridge reached out to these spirited entrepreneurs and excerpts from an e-mail interview are as follows…

Q. Asking the obvious first, how did Daffy design labs happen, in terms of collaboration between you three?
Daffy design labs was definitely an accident. The three of us yearned for a way out of the work under the corporate roof. Though each of us owned a different set of skills, the yearning for a platform to prove ourselves and learn new things was common. Apparently, when we amalgamated our potentials in each of our areas of interests, it sufficed a complete structure of a company. What more can you ask for, when you can work with your close buddies from college towards a same goal? Thus, Daffy design labs.
Q. Who has driven you towards what you are now?
We can’t really point out a single person as our source of inspiration. Every person we have crossed in our lives who lives his/her own dream is an icon worth learning from. The sense of pride you feel when you work on what you are passionate about is beyond words. Our seniors at college, Mr.KUBERAN MARIMUTHU (M.Sc. Software Engineering, 2005-2010), founder of Columbus Again, Mr.PRASANTH (M.Sc. Software Engineering, 2005-2010), founder of Madley Blues and Mr. G S VISHNU (M.Sc. Software Engineering, 2000-2005), founder of Interchain Solution, now acquired by Harman are the ones we have always looked up to.
Q. Tag lined “Redefine everything”, can you tell us what Daffy design labs redefines and how?
Daffy design labs is working majorly in wireless embedded systems. Being a product based company, our goal is to introduce smart things using cutting edge technologies, making them available for all tiers of the general public. We work very keenly on designing products that fit the Indian mentality of using gadgets. Having separate teams for both hardware and software roles, we try enhancing our Business Intelligence as a whole.
“Wion Soft switch” is one of our products which is to be released in January 2015. We have redefined the old dumb switches into a smart new device, marking an entry into the evolution of switches. You can see the first look of our product in the video below.
Q. Describe your days at PSG Tech.
One phrase that best describes our days at college is fun and frolic. PSG Tech defined us. It made all of us a better human being. It gave us the platform to experiment with many things. Dr. R. Nadarajan, Professor and Head of our department, has always encouraged us for entrepreneurship. Dr. Suresh Balusamy sir is one other person who is still guiding us a lot with our work. Ever supportive faculty members, very friendly seniors and a wonderful bunch of classmates, who stand with us through thick and thin until date, are the biggest earnings in our lives. Thank you is just not the word.

Q. What does it take to start a startup and what are your future plans?
Courage and self confidence are both sufficient to start a startup. What is necessary is that you need to wear multiple masks to run it successfully. You need to be a team player, a task master, a talent hunter, an observer, a visionary and a good leader. Compromising on anything, anytime should not be welcomed. Above all, you need a saleable idea.
Our dream includes building a large enterprise by setting our quality levels to international standards, introducing many smart things, making Daffy design labs a better workplace and bringing young minds to our organization and increasing our manufacturing processes in India.
Q. Your words to the student community…
- Have an open mind.
- Learn practically. Experiment with various different things in your domain when you have the choice and infrastructure.
- Do participate in all events and competitions. Success will push you forward while failure will prepare you better.
- Shortcuts will never help you. Be honest on whatever role you are playing.
- Follow your heart.
- Make your student life count. Cheers.
Team Bridge wishes all the best for this team that strives hard to produce products that have catchy names (Daffy Shadow, Daffy Honcho) and super smart working.