Into the Shrieking Shack Dec 23, 2015

By Reshma V (B.E. CSE, 2013-2017)
A light-hearted conversation with the technical staff of our college
 The most amusing, entertaining, and at times embarrassing moments we’ve all experienced in college would be the hours spent in the labs. Clueless meddling with the equipment; trying your best to get convincing results; occasional and unexpected student pranks that bring a frown and a few giggles is never unfamiliar to any undergraduate labs. But not many of us have actually taken time to appreciate or thank the people who have put up with naivete and also managed to get technical knowledge fed into our minds. Yes, we are talking about the lab assistants who are always there supporting, guiding and encouraging us, so we become technically skilled.
So, we decided to take some time and talk to the lab assistants of various departments about their experiences and their perception on the student community. These are excerpts from the conversations.
Mr. P. Madhankumar, Instructor of the department of ECE says “I have been working here in the college premises for about 5 years. I have a passion for working in the labs and help kindle young minds towards knowledge. The thing that most interests me to continue the good job is the fact that I learn a lot by means of teaching and preparing to teach the students. I most value the projects and mini-projects taken up by the students. The ideas are very innovative and they come to me for any technical assistance. This pushes me to stay updated and hence makes my job more than satisfying.” When inquired about the one best compliment he has received in this profession, “I have been working a project of developing a website for the department recently and got great appreciation for it throughout the college. I value that a lot because tremendous efforts have gone into developing it.” We asked if there are any student pranks in the labs that would bring laughs even after years, he said “There are countless number of such things, but we understand that they were not meant to hurt or offend anybody; after all they are students and being mischievous is not a sin!” When asked if he saw any changes in the behaviour of students over the years, “There has been a tremendous change in the mind-set of students. Nowadays, they are tremendously updated with the latest technology (as they should be!) and show a greater interest towards learning practically. I feel, the change, is only for the good!”.
Mr. V. Vijayakumar, Foreman Instructor, Department of EEE opens up. “I have always had an eye for anything technical and electrical. This inclination landed me in this job, and I have worked here for the past 12 years and counting. If there is one factor that interests me the most, it would be that I get to improve and hone my skills. A lot of opportunities have opened up in the course and I couldn’t be more thankful. The best compliment that I received would be that our former HOD once visited the college and appreciated me for the good work I am doing and to continue likewise. It was a memorable moment because, such an experienced person has actually noticed my role in the department and taken the time to mention it! ”. When asked what was the best thing about serving this department, he mentioned, “I have always got freedom to experiment and bring out ideas and suggestions for the improvement of curriculum. The way the students communicate, interact, learn and a lot other factors have changed and we try our best to cope up with them and teach them accordingly”.
Mr.T.Padmanaban, Instructor of the department of Robotics and Automation Engineering speaks out. “I have been working in the college premises for about 17 years. Helping students and assisting them in the labs has always been my favorite job. I also get to learn a lot from them. The best part in the labs are all the automation work that I help people to do and also do a few myself. The compliment that I treasure are the ones from the students. They have a good rapport with me and thank me wholeheartedly.” When asked about the kind of behavioral transformation he sees among the students, he says “According to me, the students before 2006 were curious to learn more and were most often seen with books as they were their only source then to quench their curiosity. While, nowadays, they are even more curious to know things and learn differently. They have numerous of means of learning (Eg: Internet, Books, Phones etc.) and not all stick to one type. They have become technologically advanced, however without losing their naughtiness!”.
On behalf of team THE BRIDGE, we thank all the lab technicians heartily for all that they have taught us, for guiding us and for putting up and correcting our mistakes and mischief in the labs! Besides our teaching fraternity, you have all played major roles in shaping our lives for the better. Thank you!
Reshma RESHMA V (B.E. Computer Science and Engineering, 2013-2017) is a tech-savvy person who loves to explore gadgets. She is passionate about learning new languages and looks forward to speaking French. She loves to write and read lighthearted material. Being a movie buff, she also has exceptional talents in creative arts with out-of-the-box thinking.


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