One of a kind: PSG Tech's Sandwich Programme
How Industrial training gives an edge over the regular courses?
X: So, which course are you studying?
Y: Sandwich Mechanical, in PSG Tech.
X: Sandwich? What? It is the dual degree course, where we can complete B.E and M.E in 5 years, is it?
Y: “No! It’s just B.E, for 5 years..”
X: “Oh, I see, is it some new course started by PSG?”
Y: “Not really, they started it 30 years ago.”
X: “Oh! Really? So, how is it different from the other courses?”
There is no point in learning how a car runs or how a machine operates, if you are unable to get it serviced when there is some problem. In the same way, we learn a lot of concepts and operations of many engineering applications theoretically, but we do not know how to practically operate or handle them. This hands-on experience of our day to day engineering applications was missing in the earlier syllabus. One of the visionaries Dr K. VENKATRAMAN, former principal of PSG College of Technology, had a vision to combine both the theoretical and hands on training along with the industrial exposure, so as to bridge this gap between learning and practically applying the concepts. This vision gave birth to an exclusive program called the SANDWICH program, on 19th October, 1983. Currently, PSG College of Technology offers Sandwich programs in 3 disciplines namely Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering.

So, what makes the difference?
The next thing that pops up in your mind is, how is this practical exposure provided to the students? And this is where the Industrial Training comes into the picture. Our college has the PSG INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE within the campus, which has two manufacturing units, namely Heavy Engineering Section (HED) and Rotating Machinery Division (RMD). It is here where we get trained each semester during the in-plant training session. This training acts as a platform for us to know how the concepts that are being learnt in theory classes are being applied in these engineering divisions. As this is an additional subject in each semester, the whole course turns out to be a 5 year course.

Apart, from the in-plant training another added feature in the sandwich program is the Internship for a span of two months at the end of 6th semester. During the internship, we will have to choose a company of our choice based on our field of interest and do projects provided by the company. And the training institute has collaborations with the companies like FORD, BMW, LAPP INDIA, ELGI, TOYOTA, KIRLOSKAR and the universities abroad, such as the University of Leeds in UK, This industrial exposure gives an edge in terms of practical knowledge about the subject he/she is pursuing.
The best part of the sandwich program is the timings. The morning session comprises of the industrial training and the afternoon session comprises the theory classes and since in each semester the number of subjects is lesser than that of the regular syllabus, it is comparatively easier for us to manage between academics and the extra-curricular & co-curricular activities which we organize every year

What do the final year students and the alumni have to say?
When asked about the program and its structure for the whole five years and how it helped them shape their career and achieve the goals, here is what the alumni had to say.
”The highlight of the program is the internship, which we are asked to undertake at the end of the third year. It helped me understand about the industrial work environment better and tells us what an industry expects from an engineer. So, it helped me sharpen my practical knowledge about the subjects I studied ”, says R.
Many of the students dream big, but only a few wake up and achieve it, here’s a person who pursed Mechanical Engineering through sandwich program and got recruited into the Indian Army, “When I was interviewed during the technical interview, it was the first time that the interviewer had heard of a course like this. After the interview he told me that I had the right amount of technical knowledge required for the job I was applying. So, I guess I had a lead over my counterparts who did a regular course, ” says, Vasanth Sekar (B.E. Mechanical SW, 2009-2014) who’s undergoing training in Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun.
Karthick Rajan (B.E. Mechanical SW, 2009-2014), who got employed in UTC Aerospace, Bangalore, says, “Technical presentations that are to be presented in the company was a just a breeze,as our industrial training gave us a deep insight on what core engineering companies expect from us “.
Being a sandwich student, I feel the course offers a great opportunity for us to get exposed to the real engineering world and it gives us a surreal experience when we see how the concepts being learnt are being applied in the industries, and the program is in such a manner that it is less stressful when compared to the regular program. On a lighter note, I also get to enjoy my college life for an extra year, which any person after completing the college would yearn for.
“When the whole world follows a path, we create a path for them to follow.”