The Art of Brand Building
Not a science to teach but an art that can be mastered in course of time.
Brands and Branding
The western influence on this country and her citizens has made everyone go crazy for branded items and products. A single swoosh in a NIKE t-shirt is enough to make people buy that t-shirt.You can hear people telling, “I will work here no matter what it takes”. Branding has become synonymous with quality. In India, it has gone beyond quality. It has become a matter of pride.
But have you wondered what it really takes for the company to build that brand? Is it something that is planned or is it just a product of the company’s success? Let us try to explore the art of brand building.
Advertising Vs Brand building
Quite often, people tend to think that brand building is all about advertising. First of all, brand building has nothing to do with advertising. Branding is the communication of the value of the company or the product to the customer. Brands, in a period of time, stand as a symbol of who you are. It is the mission, the performance and the quality of the company that builds a brand. An advertisement is just a tool for the brand visibility.
So, companies put in serious efforts and proper planning to create a brand value with an eye on the future. While trying to create a brand value, critical emphasis is given on two major things. One is the name of the brand and the other one is the logo of the brand.
The Name
In this current environment, with thousands of start-ups emerging, it is very important to choose a unique name to differentiate it from the rest. But, at the same time the name should describe the essence of the entire company in a nut-shell. Classic example of this is Coca-cola. It simply means, “Made from coca leaves and kola nuts”.
Sometimes, a few names like Google are just picked randomly but still do not fail to ring a bell in our heads. When enough care and attention is given to choosing a creative name for the company, a lot of opportunities come in the way. Hence, Brand value becomes just a by-product.
The Visual Representation

The LOGO of the brand is the graphic representation of the company that gets registered in the customer’s mind. Logos have become an important aspect of corporate brand building. To stand-out in the market, creative logos are the key. Some of the famous logos include NIKE, McDonald’s, BMW etc. Logos have the power to convey what the company stands for. The Nike swoosh stands for speed. The twitter ‘bird’ logo symbolizes freedom and happiness. The famous APPLE logo is not only revolutionary but is also very tempting. The logos soon become the identity of the company. That is the power of visual representation.
A legacy
In real time products change, suppliers change, markets change, customers change, trends change and even generations change, but it is only your brand that can stand the test of time. Starting a company is common whereas brand building is exceptional. However, building a brand is a great challenge in its own. It is not a science to teach but an art that can be mastered in course of time.