A New Beginning
The Students’ Union 2018-2019 embarks on a fresh year.
The inauguration of the Students’ Union for the academic year 2018-19 took place at F-block assembly hall on 31st August, 2018. With Shri. V Krishna Kumar, President, Southern India Engineering Manufacturers’ Association gracing the ceremony as the chief guest, Dr R Rudramoorthy, Principal, PSG Tech presiding over the ceremony and above five hundred attendees, the ceremony introduced the Students’ Union and its activity plan for this academic year.

From left: Ms Priyanka (BSc Applied Science, 2016-2019) (Secretary- Science), Mr Santhosh Kumar (B.E ECE, 2016-2020) (Secretary- Men), Mr Jawahar (B.E EEE, 2015-2019)(Chairperson), Mr Premnandhakumar (B.E SW Mech, 2014-2019)(Co-chairperson), Ms Aishwarya (B.Tech IT, 2016-2020) (Secretary-Women).
Dr K Natarajan, Dean, Student Affairs, introduced the officer bearers for this year, calling them the ‘five senses that impart the sixth sense to the body’. The co-chairperson, Mr PREMNANDHAKUMAR (BE (SW) MECH, 2014-2019), delivered the welcome address and promised that the body would act as a beacon of light for the students in the months to come.
(On the dias)
Behind the mic : Mr Premnandhakumar .
First row: Mr Jawahar, Dr R Rudramoorthy, Shri V Krishna Kumar and Dr K Natarajan.
Second row: Ms Priyanka, Ms Aishwarya and Mr Santhosh Kumar.

The chairperson Mr. JAWAHAR (B.E EEE, 2015-2019) expressed the excitement of the team and shared the year plan for this academic year. In addition to NSS, NCC, the sports department, the twenty one clubs, and thirty six associations, two new clubs (PSG Tech Chronicle Club and Youth Outreach Club) and three new associations (Aeronautical Association, Indian Green Building Council- Students’ Chapter, IEEE EMBS- Students’ branch) have been formed; all the aforementioned shall be affiliated to the Students’ Union. A General Council meeting shall be conducted each semester for the smooth functioning of the mentioned groups and for addressing their grievances. The Students’ Union shall also be responsible for organising the key events of the Tech calendar – the Freshers’ Orientation, Intrams, Kriya, Tech day, Social day, the Independence Day and Republic day celebrations.
In his presidential address, Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, spoke of the pivotal role extra and co-curricular activities play in a student’s growth. He advised clubs to have planning committees for every event and involve as many students as possible in all their activities.

The chief guest Shri V Krishna Kumar (an alumnus of PSG Tech, Batch of ‘79, Dept of EEE) spoke on the importance of being associated with communities like the Students’ Union. He figuratively called academic qualifications ‘pure gold’; they can be put to use only when a sufficient proportion of copper (soft skills) is added. Having served in the top cadres at different industries and related organisations, he shared the industrial expectations from engineering graduates. He urged the students to make use of the forums in campus, build their communication and marketing skills and learn new languages. “Always have positive thoughts. Place your confidence and faith in yourself. And most importantly, do not fear failures”, he added as a parting note.
A message from the SU team:
“The Students’ Union holds the responsibility for bridging the gap between the student community and the management. We are always open to ideas and suggestions from students. We look forward to work with the student community and address campus level problems”, promised the office bearers.