A New Beginning
The freshers’ orientation for the 66th batch of Bachelor of Engineering of PSG Tech was held on Friday, the 17th of July, at the Quadrangle. The venue was filled with enthusiastic to-be engineers and their overjoyed parents and the air had a blend of freshness. The result for their hardwork over the years was right there. Their faces put up a constant smile and happiness in their eyes. The students were ready for a new journey in this prestigious institution and furthermore. The students were accompanied by their parents, grandparents and siblings. Some showed a mixed feeling of happiness for reaching the milestone of getting admitted into the college, excitement learning in the college for the next few, yet important years in their life and some already showed signs of homesickness of leaving their homes and loved ones and moving over to the hostel.
The parents were really happy about their wards’ achievements and when enquired about the reason for admitting their wards in PSG Tech, most of the parents replied that it was one kind of institution that gives knowledge, skill, discipline, placement, talent to survive in this highly competitive world and importantly a strong base for their future. Surprisingly, one of the parents answered “we got our daughter admitted into PSG Tech just because the admissions in counselling gets closed after the first day itself”. Many alumni of the college accompanied their wards to the orientation and were in a state of nostalgia. Upon asking an alumnus for the reason to admit his son in this college, his reply was “I got a lot of exposure, confidence, knowledge through the college that made me who I am. I expect my son also gets equal amount or even more of these and the skill and personality to survive and achieve in this highly competitive world”
The orientation program was aimed at giving basic instructions about the functioning of the college, facilities available in the campus and various opportunities to the students and their parents. The program began when the clock ticked 5 in the evening with a prayer song by Sri Prasanna. Dr. R.Rudramoorthy, principal of PSG Tech, Prof. Radhakrishnan, Director of PSG IAS, Dr.Prakasan, dean of autonomous functions, Dr.Venkatesan, dean of placements, Dr.Elangovan and Dr.Krishnaveni, wardens of men’s hostel and ladies’ hostel respectively were present on the stage.
First to speak, the dean of student affairs, Dr.Natarajan whole heartedly welcomed the freshers to the college. He later announced the office bearers for the Students Union for the academic year 2015-16 and acknowledged the work done by the Students Union 2014-15 office bearers for their efforts in organising various events and activities in the previous academic year. He threw some light on the various clubs and technical associations in the college that perform curricular, co-curricular activities throughout the year. He suggested the students to join the clubs of their interest, NCC, NSS and sports, apart from the academic activities.

Prof. Radhakrishnan, the director of PSG Institute of Advanced Studies won the hearts of parents by addressing them as “Proud Parents”. He appreciated the efforts of the principal, Dr. R.Rudramoorthy in making PSG Tech one of the top engineering colleges in India and maintaining the standards for the past 7 years and still continuing the same. He acknowledged the efforts of all the teachers in the college in teaching and guiding the students. He encouraged the students to look for internships and semester-abroad programs to get to know different cultures and education systems. He mentioned that constant efforts are put up by the institution to train students to be global citizens. He listed out the number of foreign universities the institution has links with, to facilitate this. He also requested the students to keep up the good tradition of quality in work, already established globally by the alumni of the college.
Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, the Principal, started with an advice to the students to develop their character. He mentioned the fact that there are no permanent jobs in the industry as all the steams are subjected to constant changes in this developing world. He remarked engineering to be a “lifelong learning process”. He discussed the Choice Based Credit System, usually addressed as CBCS, introduced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) through the University Grants Commission (UGC) from the academic year 2015-16 in colleges all over the nation. He highlighted the point that education system will be very different from school system and develop good skills and knowledge. He warned about the tough competition both inside and outside the college. He also encouraged the students to work in groups to improve communication skills, understand different point of view and not to consider any cultural, linguistic and social differences. He later explained the CBCS in detail and explained the pros and cons of the same. He then expressed some views about the hostel and hostel life and asked the parents to be in touch with their wards and report any issues to the authorities. He later mentioned about the achievements of alumni in various domains. He concluded with “go out with knowledge, skill and a good personality”.
Dr.Prakasan, Dean of Autonomous Functions first congratulated the students in being successful in their journey through a pressurised system. He gave his views on the CBCS and autonomous functions of the college. He asked the students to prepare for life perfectly as life has no syllabus like exams do. He hoped the same set of students would assemble at the same place after 4 years for receiving their degree, having a different view towards life. He assured the students in providing the needed help and guidance from the college. He also asked the students to “adopt”, not adapt to the system for the best outcomes and remarked that “learning has to be a natural process”.He advised students to read history in science to get a good view of the efforts put in by various generations in the past for shaping our present. He ended on a request to seek blessings of all the teachers, god and family members to help achieve and make the students’ dreams come true.

The Dean of Placements, Dr.Venkatesan began with an appreciation for the students’ efforts in the past two years to reach a milestone. He gave the statistics of previous year’s placement and explained about “PSG advantage” which is the quality in work exhibited by the alumni that drives the companies to come back for more students. He requested the students to put in their best efforts. He mentioned various things the companies expect from the students to recruit them. He asked the students to concentrate on their academics as well as communication skills to get a better placement. He requested students to make use of various facilities provided by the institution and fulfil their dreams.
Dr. Elangovan, warden, men’s hostel and Dr. Krishnaveni,warden, ladies hostel gave detailed information about the hostel. They mentioned that PSG Tech hostel was “Home away from Home”. They mentioned that the hostel was one of the best in the state. They asked parents to keep in touch with their wards regularly to reduce homesickness and asked them to report any problems to the authorities immediately with no hesitation. They listed out the facilities like WiFi, computer centre, library, movie screening, stores etc. available in the hostel premises. Limit on the number of outings and curfew times were mentioned. A request was made to the parents not to give their wards excess of money and any kind of vehicles for their safety reasons.
The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Asha Priyanka, the Co-Chairperson of Students Union 2015-16. The excitement in the students’ faces wre clear and they were looking forward to have a “New Beginning” in their lives.
Team Bridge wishes them a hearty welcome to the college and wishes that they have a great time in the college and best of luck to achieve their dreams and cross more such milestones in the future.