A past to remember- A present to celebrate- A future to create.

Silver Jubilee Reunion (’91 ’92) celebrations of batch 1987-1991 BE/ B.Tech. and 1992 BE(SW)

Can you imagine yourself reminiscing your college life after 25 years? The whirlwind of emotions on meeting your friends who have settled in different parts of the world is difficult to express in words. The air was electric and filled with joyous faces of the batch of ’91 ’92 in the morning of 29th December 2016.

The F-Block conference hall was packed with people from all spheres of life. The environment reverberated with laughter and numerous stories were exchanged with glee. For a moment, the conference hall transformed into a boisterous class filled with students. The happiness was so contagious that it was difficult to get the crowd settled for the event.

“This is an event for all of us to cherish for the rest of our lives. While we are here, let us travel 29 years back to 1987, cherish as many wonderful, funny and awkward moments during the journey at PSG Tech” , said Mr S.Vishwanathan, CEO, Texas Institute for Neurological Disorder (’91 batch, BE CSE) in welcoming the gathering.

The Silver Jubilee Reunion (’91 ’92) for the B.E/B.Tech. and B.E(SW) batch also played a significant role in the ‘social responsibility programme’ by planting 1000 trees for the society. The agenda of the programme was to bring back the lushness to Coimbatore which is slowly dwindling with time. “If every reunion taking place all through Coimbatore starts contributing to this agenda, it will result in 20,000 trees to the society” , said Mr K.P.M. Muthukumaran, CEO, KPM Plasto Rubber Co. ’92 BE(SW) Mech. He also mentioned about the generous dress contribution for 1000 students, planned along with the tree plantation.

The air turned nostalgic when he revived his college days, the places he had visited and the memories of eating from the same plate. Their mischievous encounters earned whistles and shouts of joy spread a vibrant energy all through the room. He said, “This is the only place of having the liberty to call ‘Vaa da’ even after becoming a CEO”. This touched the hearts of many with a nod of approval.

Dr.S.Neelakrishnan, HOD, Department of Autombile Engineering, PSG Tech who, himself, is an alumnus of ’91 batch gave a detailed view of the Silver Jubilee Reunion(’91 ’92) for the B.E/B.Tech and B.E(SW) batch report: From the total of 350 people, 32% have settled abroad, 7% have branched out in teaching and research and an exceptional 25% turned out as entrepreneurs. A notable thing is that around 35% are in senior positions (Vice Presidents or Presidents). The achievements of our alumni were a moment of pride for the professors. It was also an inspiration for the students present.
It was a moment of marvel to view the felicitation of former principals and our principal by Mr.L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing trustee, PSG Institutions. The principals who were honoured for their dedication in improving the quality of the education through their tenure in PSG Tech are:
- Dr.R.Subbayyan
- Dr.S.Subramanyan
- Dr.P.Radhakrishnan
- Dr.S.Vijayarangan
- Dr.R.Rudramoorthy

Mr R.S. Krishnasamy, President of the Alumni Association addressed the gathering and praised the Alumni Association and its team in managing the activities of the association.
He said that the alumni association expects all the alumni to register their details on the alumni website in order to create a database that could be shared among students and faculties. He winded up his speech with a quote of inspiration “Stand tall and proud, sink your roots, deep into the Earth. Your roots are in PSG Tech. Share and remember your roots”.

Later, Dr R. Rudramurthy, Principal of PSG Tech briefed on the improvements of PSG College of Technology in various fields, infrastructure, achievements and university ranking. He also proudly mentioned that the alumni contribution of 3 crores is being offered as scholarships to students through merit.
Following which on a lighter note, faculty members of each department got the alumni sharing their classroom memories. One such incident was ‘the unique way of assessing marks in matrix form in class tests’ by Professor Dr. Shankara Subramanian. These sort of incidents made the crowd feel young and nostalgic. It was not only a stage for the students to relinquish the green old memories; it was also an important day for the professors, who even after so many years were able to track down the everyday ordeal of their students with a smile on their faces.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Sangeetha followed by a photo session. The crowd dispersed but smiles still adorned their faces. The air was filled with zest and everyone left with a tranquilised heart, awaiting many such reunions.
Priyankha J(Msc TCS, 2015-2020) is an avid book reader who likes to explore, and learn from anything to everything.She is also passionate about dancing.