AR Rahman’s tribute to Tagore
Isai Puyal, Unnumbered fans and a few photos
By Adithan.K (B.E Mechanical, 2014-2018)
Photos By Lokesh (Msc. Theoretical Computer Science, 2014-19) and Anirudh Nanduri (B.E. Mechanical Engineering, 2014-2018)
Most of the people in PSG Tech came to know about the music legend’s arrival in PSG Sarvajana School on 22.01.2016 (Friday) only after late noon. The school was already bustling with decorations and preparations for his visit. The original plan was to pay tribute to Rabindranath Tagore by singing “Vande Mataram” and “Jana Gana Mana” as a reprisal to Tagore’s act in 1926 (who sang the National Anthem in unison with Sarvajana School students 21 years before Indian Political Independence!). Fans and admirers with “Omg! I can’t believe that I am going to meet him” squeals began flooding the school including seniors in spite of their internals. What we saw was unbelievable multitudes of fan waiting in the school, the bridge as long as ‘E’ Block, the nearby temple and every nook in and off the campus! How often do you get to see the AR Rahman after all!!
Few photos from our photographers:
Adithan.K (B.E Mechanical, 2014-2018) is a high spirited reader, enthusiastic gamer, who enjoys occasional coding, out-of-the box thinking, and often left awed by the very twisted fiber of nature and amorphously, by the scientific and engineering environment.
LOKESH (MSc. Theoretical Computer Science, 2014-19) loves bike riding. He is the kind of person who loves romantic stories. He is also a foodie, passionate about photography
ANIRUDH NANDURI (B.E. Mechanical, 2014-2018) is a passionate photographer, who loves to travel. Highly interested in the field of vedic science, he is very spiritual in nature. He has a knack for logical reasoning and biking.
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