DOT-E: Empower Self to Enrich the Society
The Entrepreneurs Club of PSG College of Technology hosted DOT-E, a National level Entrepreneurship conclave on the 7th of February 2015 having 300+ students from various colleges relishing the spirit of Entrepreneurship. As Mr. Suresh Kumar, the faculty advisor of Entrepreneurs Club and the Manager, PSG STEP watched, Mr. Jerome Sylesh, Secretary of the Entrepreneurs Club, PSG Tech welcomed the gathering.
Later, Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, Principal, PSG Tech delivered the presidential address in which he cited the role an entrepreneur plays in the development of the society. He quoted that “If one wants to be an entrepreneur, one must have the capability and courage to take a calculated risk”.

Mr.Rajkumar, Chairman, Southern India Mills Association, inspired the young minds with the lessons he had learnt from his own experience as an entrepreneur. He began his talk stating, “Entrepreneurship is a journey full of opportunities and challenges”. He described the diversifications and responsibilities an entrepreneur has to take up, because ‘continuous change’ is a part of entrepreneurship. He concluded as he put forth a few notable words. “To be an entrepreneur, all that one shall need is a creative idea. What should follow is a well planned execution of the same. With ample opportunities these days, develop passion in some domain and move forward with conviction to reach your dreams and go beyond.”
Next in the line was the keynote address delivered by Mr. K. Ramasamy, Chairman, Roots group. He congratulated the club for the effort taken in hosting DOT-E and shared his valuable thoughts on how learning and entrepreneurship goes hand in hand. Addressing the youngsters, he said,” This is the right age where you can most effectively spend your time in learning and perfecting it. The knowledge you gain is what shall define you as an entrepreneur when you become one. Aim at quality rather than fame. Love and take care of your family for there is no better source of strength and support ever.”
Mr. Karthieaswaramoorthy, Founder,, made the next session a very interactive one. He put forth an interesting equation, ‘Business, marketing and perseverance encompassed entrepreneurship.’ and explained the same by co-relating his experiences to each variable. Travelling along with his experiences for about an hour, the participants’ enthusiasm boosted up even more with the “Retailer”. This was a game that the conclave had organized that focused in triggering the entrepreneur within everyone. Participants were split into teams and had to produce their final products through trading their inventories with the rest of the teams. Prizes were given away for the teams that excelled.

Ms. Poojya spectacularly hosted the next session which was panel discussion. Mr. K. Elango, President, Confederation of Indian Industry, Coimbatore chapter, Mr. D. Balasundaram, Founder, CPC and Mr. Sanjay Kondass, Head, Kondass Automation participated actively and put forth their views on the differences in the life of an entrepreneur and how one who aspires to be an entrepreneur has to equip himself to take up the long and exciting journey.
Dr. B. K. Krishnaraj Vanavarayar, Chairman, Coimbatore Kendra, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, the chief guest for the meet, gave away an excellent speech highlighting a few words of advice for the crowd. With energetic students lending in their ears, “Participation is worthier than winning. Think different with a positive attitude. Act courageously. Carry forward all the lessons you learn throughout your life. Have a philosophical outlook of life and have faith in yourself. Self-empowerment must always contribute to the well-being of the nation and that is how great people like G.R. Damodaran have lived their lives.
Those in your age constituting a great deal of the country’s population must be willing and ready to build the nation into a more prosperous one. ‘Empower yourself and enrich the society’, that’s the message of the day. ”, he exclaimed. He also congratulated the Entrepreneurs Club for having chosen the most apt tag line “Everything starts with Entrepreneurship” and concluded.

Imparting the spirit of entrepreneurship within the minds of everyone who had gathered, the Entrepreneurs Club of PSG Tech has truly made the event a grand success