Modest Words of Wisdom
It is well known that awareness and action are not closely related words. People contemplate on what the bridging gap is. It might be that “change” is the word they are looking for. This gap is not uncommon, yet something that still strives in spite of all the worldly effort. Even if an idea is to be spread on the whole mass, there is no better way than to start with the minds of still budding humans; that too, by their equals, whom they can actually look up to!
On Saturday (10/10/2015) at 8.30 AM, way earlier than most of us wake up, there was an enthusiastic group of khaki dressed cadets in such uniformity, that they might be overlooked as some ant colony from the bridge; the enthusiasm shown for both the flock of students from other colleges and schools (A considerable strength of 281 cadets!), and also the activities to follow.

The march by National Cadet Corps (NCC) was commenced by the chief guest Dr.R.Rudramoorthy, Principal of PSG College of Technology at 9.00 AM sharp. The assembly also saw Dr.B.Giriraj, Principal of PSG Polytechnic College, Dr.M.D.Kannan, Head, Department of Basic Sciences, and Dr.M.Kalpana, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities. Various NCC staff of other colleges and staff also guided their respective battalions.
Let’s see what these plebes had to offer to the people of Peelamedu.
- PSG College of Technology

- PSG Polytechnic College

- Kongunadu Arts and Science College

- PSG Public School

- Vidyaa Vikas School

- Jaycee School

- Government School, Ramanathapuram

Other colleges like Kumaraguru College of Technology and Sri Krishna Polytechnic also took part in this march. The march started from PSG College of Technology, through Pioneer mill road, covering the locality there and returned to the college premises through VK road and Amman mess. The cadets issued various notices and spread awareness to the people present around.
The most noticeable thing that happened in rally was when school students stopped playing and instead, started watching what these people had to offer, with curiosity. We could see more and more young people looking at the procession and that gave the NCC students the satisfaction and hope that all their efforts will develop and retain a façade of good faith.