NRDC-PSG College of Technology presents Innovate India 2015
Innovation is the key to sustained industrial growth and penetration of the global market. Creating a robust national innovation system is one of the key elements listed in the Science Technology Innovation Policy 2013 (STIP 2013) of the Government of India. Technology innovation and its diffusion are very important for manufacturing sectors and service industries. Government of India has recently launched the campaign “Make in India” to create innovation and investment friendly environment in the country and is taking new policy initiatives to spread globally competitive technologies for enabling the country to become a strong manufacturing hub. This campaign focused on fulfilling the purpose of job creation, boosting national economy and to get global recognition to the Indian economy so that foreign investment gets impetus in realizing dreams of making India a hub of manufacturing industries.

To nurture the innovation in the manufacturing arena in creating sustained business growth and considering the challenges ahead of us, National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) has been endeavoring to encourage and translate innovations / inventions into innovative technologies, products and processes, emphasizing the need to enhance productivity through technological innovations. Since 2007, NRDC has teamed up to create India’s unique Annual event, “Innovate India”, to bring all stakeholders at one platform to share their experiences and exchange views on developing strong innovation eco-system in the country. With this as a backdrop, NRDC is organizing this year’s annual event “Innovate India 2015” at Coimbatore, India in association with PSG College of Technology, which is one of the prestigious institutions in the country. The Prize Award Ceremony for conferring NRDC Meritorious Innovation Awards will be held in Coimbatore along with a Conference theme focused on “Make in India: Opportunities through Innovation”.

Innovate India 2015 event is envisioned to bring Industry, Academia, Innovators, R&D Organizations and Policy Makers together to discuss, share and learn about cutting edge manufacturing innovations and technologies that can help in enhancing productivity, improve quality and add growth at the bottom of the pyramid. NRDC is organizing the Conference to recognize this importance.
The Conference is structured to cover the following aspects:
- Prize awards Ceremony for NRDC Meritorious Inventions
- IP Driven Innovation for Enhancing Manufacturing
- The Make in India: Industry Perspective
- R&D-Industry Partnership; Diffusion of Technology; Bridging the Skill Gap for Harnessing Manufacturing Opportunities
- Approaches for Harnessing Technological Development for Manufacturing.
The two day conference will see eminent personalities in the field of Research & Development come together.

The two day conference is held to cater the people spread across industries, academia and government. From entrepreneurs, innovators, policymakers, industry consultants, heads of institutes and industries, researchers, students and representatives from the State and Central Governments, all are welcome to attend the conference.
There is no Delegate/Registration Fee. However, the Registration/Participation is subject to confirmation by NRDC. For participation, delegates may register online on the website or may kindly contact:
Shri N K Bhandari
Senior Manager
20-22, Zamroodpur Community Centre, Kailash Colony Extension, New Delhi 110048
Phone: +91 11 29240401-08
Mobile: +91 9910496563
Fax: +91 11 29240409-10
Website:; http:://
Shri N G Lakshminarayan
Senior Manager
S-19, 2nd Floor, University House, M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
New BEL Road, Bengaluru 560054
Phone: +91 80 23602266
Mobile: +91 9945204755
Dr K Suresh Kumar
General Manager-PSG-STEP
Avinashi Road, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore 641004
Phone: +91 422 4363300; 4363333
Mobile: +91 9952427232; 9865843939
Fax: +91 422 2573833