Photo of the Week #4

On Campus Jan 29, 2015

‘The Bridge’ has an enthusiastic click of photographers who work through the clock to provide photos that corroborate articles written by the team of writers. Besides that, they work on Photography articles. ‘Photo of the week’ brings a fresh perspective to ‘The Bridge’ and to the click of photographers. The photographers work in unison and come up with photos related to a ‘theme’. To mark the 66th republic day, this week’s theme is precisely just that -“Republic Day”. The ‘Photo of the week #4’ was clicked by Sooraj.V.S. (B.E. Mechanical, 2011-2015)

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National Cadet Corps- United in spirit, discipline and patriotism.

Sooraj_PicSOORAJ.V.S. (B.E. Mechanical, 2011-2015) is a happiness seeker even from the smallest details of nature. He loves to get his hands greased by being involved in one thing or the other. His interests lie in capturing short lived moments to ecstasy rich memories. He is also a passionate runner.

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The Editorial Team

We are the puppeteers behind the curtain.