Where science is re-born and innovation renovates itself
By Thirumalaesh (B.E. Robotics and Automation, 2017-2021) and Shriram (B.E. Electrical and Electronics, 2017-2021)
Photographs by Nishanth (B.Tech. Information Technology, 2017-2021) and Praganessh (B.Sc. Applied Science, 2017-2020)
The campus resembled a swarm of bees buzzing around, the morning of the 23rd of September was abuzz and ablaze. The stage for the inauguration was set, with the focus set on the coruscating ‘Trophy of the Champions’. The patrons – Mr. T.V.Sriram from Robert Bosch, Dr.R.Rudramoorthy , Principal, PSG College of technology, Dr.S.Subha Rani, HoD, ECE and Branch Counselor, IEEE, and the office bearers led the opening ceremony of SRISHTI 2017.
“Hope to create a new world…
Hope to win, Hope to achieve…
Hope to conquer…”
echoed the voices of the speakers as the ‘Thamizh Thai Vazhthu’ was blessed upon. It was followed by a crisp address by Dr.S.Subha Rani, who welcomed the guests of the occasion, with the introduction to IEEE and SRISHTI 2K17 being given by Mr.Asif Khan, Chairman,IEEE.
The ensuing oration by Dr.R.Rudramoorthy set in motion the race to achieve the objective of SRISHTI. He stressed upon the ratio of job openings to the jobs replacements due automation in Indian industries and gave a detailed description on its influence in the agricultural and textile sector. He also spoke about the Indian economy and the prudence required by engineers to increase its growth in the coming years.
This was followed by an interesting presentation by the chief guest- Mr.T.V.Sriram, Vice President and Center Head at Robert Bosch Engineering and Business solutions Pvt. Ltd. The dignitary was awed by the campus and the infrastructure and said that, if given a chance, he would like to pursue a postgraduate course at PSG post his retirement. He recalled his youth when microprocessors were booming and becoming the craze of the time, and compared it with recent times, when technology has evolved so much that the day when man inhabits other planets is not far. He went on to speak about the difficulties his company faced during the previous years due to the influx of automation into the industries of the fellow competitors. Further, with the help of visual aids, he illustrated the quantum of use of mechanics, electronics and software in the automobile sector over the past few years and cited why an interdisciplinary team is inevitable for innovation. Speaking highly of the electric cars giant ‘Tesla Motors’, the presenter also stressed on telematics components used in this industry. Towards the end, he gave us a glance at an automated smart car that is capable of self driving and giving real time traffic updates and exclaimed how close we are to seeing it on our roads.
Events organized over various categories cruising through two days saw enthusiastic participation from colleges all over Tamil Nadu. The agenda included coding contests, technical events, logistics events, management tasks, workshops, paper presentations and activities to promote soft skills. Each category had multiple events focusing on key aspects of the subject in question. While the preliminary rounds for all these events were held in the first day, the second day witnessed the finals- the deciding rounds.The organization of events itself was a testimony to the organizer’s abilities. After speaking to the volunteers ranging through all years of study, we learnt about the efforts they had undertaken to achieve precision in organizing an event of this vector. The team had been working day and night from preparing an agenda, finding convenors, organising each event, setting up venues to meet the need of each event- a whole-on-whole heavy yet enjoyable duty. Kudos to the team!
For the Ken Thompsons and Steve Wozniaks out there, coding contests on different coding languages were held. Codester, an event for fixing up codes on C and C++ witnessed a participation that was so enthusiastic that the convenors had to put up a houseful board! TechKnowCrat, Math Wizardy and Code Genesis were the other coding events that tested the ability of the participants to understand the nuances of the language and to develop programs for real time applications. Math Pirate, Next Holmes and Connexions were the competitions where logical reasoning came into play. From the Math Pirate’s Hall of Faces, we could say that one needed more than ILATE and BODMAS to crack the contest. While theorems and formulae were ours to learn, the very essence of Math was focused upon in these events. Events on circuitry namely- Mind Bender, Electra Buzz, Avantgarde were as interesting as their names. These competitions did justice in bringing out the ‘King Makers’ of technology, for the design and construction of circuits form the basis of today’s technology.
Nothing hits us harder than an action sequence in a movie. So, how is SRISHTI complete without some action? We had them all in the Bot events held! Battle H₂0 was one of the finest Bot fights one can see. Android Knightmare was truly a ‘nightmare’ for the participants. Here, the bots had to travel through a road of obstacles and stack colored cubes in a defined order. AutoMAZEon was a typical cruise through a complex maze setup. We could only wish luck to the bots!
Competitions like Man-a-kills tested the memory skills of the participants and those like The Next Holmes tested their investigative abilities. People with innate creativity and leadership skills got to showcase their biceps in events such as Bro’AD’way and Scribble-it-Scribble. The creative names of the events reflected the amount of time and effort that the organizers put in. The organizers made sure that the technical events were just as fun filled as they were informative for the participants.
The inventors of today presented their papers to keen judges and the audience during the paper presentation. The spectrum of ideas ranged from security, conservation of energy, waste management, waste prevention solutions to ‘left-aside’ problems. While competitions were teeming with people, so were the workshops. Students eagerly followed the instructions given by the professionals as they learnt more about Java, Internet of Things, Embedded System Design and Arduino.
Eventually the success of any event is decided by the response it gets from the participants. The students were all praise for the competitions as well as the workshops, especially for the structured way in which the events were all conducted. The valedictory function was held at five in evening in which the winners of all the competitions were awarded certificates by Dr. Subha Rani and thunderous applause from the audience. The overall championship was bagged by PSG iTECH who were closely followed by Kongu Engineering College, the runners-up. Dr. Subha Rani lauded the efforts of the members of the IEEE Students’ Chapter and credited both the organising committee and the participants to the success of SRISHTI-2K17.
PSG Tech was the first to have a student branch of IEEE in India, preceding the IITs. SRISHTI rose up to being in 2006 and this year, SRISHTI turns 11. A tech fest of brilliance and awe, it will stand testimony to the knowledge of many engineers in the years to come as it has been in the past.
THIRUMALAESH. A(B.E.ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, 2017-2021) is a fervid reader, writer and follower of current affairs who hopes on developing a better tomorrow through innovation in technology.
SHRIRAM R.(B.E. ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS, 2017-2021) is an avid reader and when he isn’t reading a book, he can be found binge watching English series or listening to songs.
NISHANTH(B.TECH,INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY,2017-2021) is a passionate photographer and loves listening to music. He is interested in programming and always loves to make others happy.
PRAGANESSH S (B.Sc. APPLIED SCIENCE, 2017-2020) is an amateur photographer and is obsessed with capturing special moments.His other passions include music and he is a as self taught guitarist. Badminton is his favourite pastime and he aims to become an entrepreneur.
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