The Best Outgoing Students of 2015 - Part 2
At first glance, their thirst to achieve might not be quite evident, but further interactions prove that their quest to excel is unparalleled. With the award of “Best Outgoing Student” being just one of the many laurels on the path to their star-studded future, The Bridge interviewed these exceedingly unique individuals on what sets them apart from the masses, and precisely how they manage to pull it off. This article features excerpts from the interviews of Best outgoing students - Harikrishna B (B.E Production Engineering, 2011-2015), P. Shyam Venkatraman (B. Tech IT, 2011-2015), Shriram (B.E SW Mechanical 2010-2015), and Best blood Donor - Dinesh Kumar G (B.E Civil Engineering, 2011-2015).

Q. The instant your name was called- what was going through your mind?
“I was quite surprised, but the recognition for hard work was evident - for which I felt proud. In hindsight, it was also another responsibility to uphold”, says Shriram.
Harikrishna, recalling his nostalgic memories, says that he was instantly brought back in time to the day he first set foot in college for his admission.
Shyam, says that mere words couldn’t express his joy at that instant. He told himself, “The next few seconds are going to be a once-in-your lifetime moment, so cherish it as much as possible.”
Q. What were the driving forces in your life that have led you to this achievement? Interest? Dedication? Talent?
Shyam, having said that dedication and consistency are what drove him, clearly pointed out something that most of us take for granted, saying, “It is very important that we give our cent-percent in whatever we do, whenever we do it.”
Harikrishna says that he always strived to excel in any activity that he took part in. Regarding the driving forces in his life, he said, “It’s like a mixture of both dedication and interest… And regarding talent, it is a result of the other two.”
“The accomplishments and rewards I got throughout my student life were the foremost driving forces, especially having got it from the hands of The Staff of PSG Tech pushes it to an entirely different echelon.”, says Shriram.

Q. Which person (or people) in your life would you say were an important reason for this achievement?
“Teachers - for their support in the numerous things I have done/experimented upon in college.
Parents - who encouraged me to do what I liked and never forced me into anything.
And my friends - who have always been appreciative of my achievements and instill the thirst to achieve once again.”
With everyone’s answers not quite unlike each other’s, the gravity of the role played by these individuals, their paramount importance in each student’s life was quite indisputable and visibly unmistakable.
Q. What were the various activities you performed that resulted in this achievement?
“I just followed my heart. I didn’t prepare for the award. In fact, I came to know about the award only during my eighth semester. One thing I did was to participate in as many events, games, clubs as possible.”, says Harikrishna.
For most of us, a free schedule is a dream, but for Shriram, it is merely another chance to participate in an event. “Ever since the First Tech Challenge organised by Caterpillar, Chennai, up until my final year projects, I have never missed a chance to participate. As a result, I was able to amass a vast practical knowledge, which I think is essential”.
Shyam, currently pursuing his internship at McKinsey and Company, reminisces at his achievements until now, saying “I tried my best to utilize the resources and opportunities back in college. A good academic performance is also a key.”
A few of his seemingly endless list of achievements are - representing PSG in Table Tennis Tournaments, Winning Technical Symposiums at NIT-Trichy and Anna University.

Q. A question we all want the answer to- What is the secret to managing both studies and extra-curricular?
Shyam says, “Enjoy whatever you do! Do only the things you enjoy and Make all things you do enjoyable! As long as you enjoy doing things, there is no question of managing/balancing them”.
Harikrishna, clearly pointing out one of the key aspects, says, “Time management is everything. Through proper time management anyone can achieve the same. After all, everyone has just 24 hours a day..”.
Shriram says, “Scheduling activities for every day and strictly following it is a key factor for me to balance both. If we plan and act everything fits in our circle.”
Q. Finally, how does it feel to be the best outgoing student of your batch?
“Feeling great and hoping best to maintain it throughout my career...”says Shriram.
“Of course I feel overjoyed, I also feel that everyone in my batch is the best in his/her own way and are highly talented.”, says Shyam, humbly.
“To be the Best Outgoing student in the entire department of Production Engineering, I feel on top of the world!” says a proud Harikrishna.
Finally, The Bridge Team also had the honor of interviewing The Best Blood Donor of 2015, Dinesh Kumar G (B.E Civil Engineering, 2011-2015).

Q. What was the main driving force that made you join the YRC (Youth Red Cross)?
“I did my first blood donation in November 2011 at PSG IMSR. Witnessing the worries of the attenders of various patients is what initially drove me into this cause. I wasted no time, being actively involved in collecting blood group details in my first year. It was then that I was introduced to YRC and instantly wanted to be a part of them. I must thank my friends Mohammed Umar and Nithybhan for having introduced me to YRC.”
Q. Why would you say it is important for everyone to donate blood?
“Time cannot be reversed, but blood will regenerate once in 90 days. Your decision to dedicate some of your time and blood has the ability to save many lives.”, said Dinesh.
Q. Have you taken any steps to spread public awareness on blood donation? How?
Yes, in fact, I have Organized countless blood donation camps, guest lectures, etc. as a volunteer in YRC (2011-2013), joint secretary of YRC (2013-2014) and Overall team co-ordinator of YRC (2014-2015).
Q. Finally, is there any message you would like to tell the students regarding this cause?
Donate blood yourself and then arrange for others to donate blood as well. Such a small message can have such a great impact on numerous lives.
Finally, I want to share something with you. For any blood needs or donations in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry, contact “NOBLE FOUNDATION” team; contact no: 9042011022, 9894011016.