Youth Awakening Day Celebrations – Remembering the Missile Man of India
The Youth Awakening Day was celebrated in the Tech campus on 15th of October, birthday of Dr. Abdul Kalam, whose recent journey to the eternal world has left the whole nation in tears. The guest lecture by Dr. P.C Angelo who was the Guest of Honor of the day, was especially meant for the first year students as suggested by our Principal. The function took place at the D-Block Conference Hall from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
The dignitaries of the day included Dr.R.Rudramoorthy, Principal, PSG College of Technology, The Guest of Honor, Dr.P.C Angelo, and Dr.B. Giriraj, Principal, PSG Polytechnic College. The function was hosted by Vaishnavi K.V(III Year ICE), who led the entire ceremony cheerfully. The prayer song sung by Sri Prasanna K.S(II Year MSC TCS) acted as a great beginning for an enlightening celebration.

The welcome address was given by Dr. K. Natarajan, Dean, Student Affairs. He praised the involvement and encouragement provided by the Principal in conducting such conferences in college premises. He welcomed the dignitaries including the Guest of Honor, who was closely associated with Dr. Kalam. During the welcome address, he insisted the student community to observe and disseminate the ideas that they gather from the occasion.
Dr. R Rudramoorthy, Principal, PSG College of Technology gave the presidential address. He informed that the Tamil Nadu Government had declared that the birthday of Dr. Kalam be celebrated as the Youth Awakening day. A rally had taken place in the morning, mostly with students of first years carrying placards that had the thoughts and ideologies of Dr. Kalam. He particularly pointed the reason in inviting the first years to attend the gathering as their stay in the campus will be longer than their senior students. “The life of Dr. Kalam serves to be a perfect example of how a human should develop into an individual and then into an influential leader”, he said. He added that Dr. Kalam’s transformation got facilitated with the help of education as the basic tool. He used education to develop personality and to contribute to the society. He mentioned that material wealth or living in comfort were never Dr. Kalam’s wishes.

He stated that Dr. Kalam is the right person to be regarded as India’s second Gandhi. His unique vision in the betterment of the nation had proven him to be a simple and yet a person with a big vision in his mind. He mentioned that the result of his life now has the ability to pull up a group of people together to do something good for the society.
Dr.P.C.Angelo, after passing his B.Sc (Hons) in 1958 from St.Joseph’s College, Thiruchirapalli worked as a lecturer in Physics for three years at St.Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, before joining the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in 1962. From 1985 to 1988 he was associated, as Project Manager, with the planning and execution of the surface to surface missile, Prithvi under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme of DRDO. From 1994 to 1997 as Deputy Director General, he was involved in strategic defense planning at the national level. He has published more than 50 research publications in national and international journals as well as prepared a number of classified reports. He is currently the Dean of the Center for Sponsored Research and Consultancy & CNCE.
He presented a PowerPoint Presentation on “The Life and Achievements of Dr. Abdul Kalam”. Right from his birth at Rameshwaram, every significant moment in his life was delivered with some rare pictures. Dr. Angelo praised the interaction of Dr. Kalam with great personalities like Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, Dr. Satish Dhawan and Smt. Indira Gandhi.

He spoke high of the kind of relation that Dr. Kalam used to maintain with his subordinates. He recalled Dr. Kalam’s effort in carrying the parts of India’s first rocket and satellite in a bicycle and a bullock cart respectively! His simplicity has inspired many talented youngsters to reach great heights in their lives.
During the presentation he showed the pictures of the missiles, Prithvi, Agni, Akash, Nag and Trishul. He explained about the difficulties and criticisms that Dr. Kalam and his team faced during the establishment of these missions. He emphasized the relationship which Dr. Kalam had maintained with the family members of his colleagues.
He praised the Management levels and work organization of Dr. Kalam. “He never showed any ill-temper to any of his team members. He asked his subordinates about the promise that they had given them in their previous meetings. He used to say that ‘excuses shall be granted in case of technological difficulties’”, he said with a proud smile. People working under him were never put in to any kind of pressure. “’They worked because they love their job’. That is how he motivated his team”.
He explained about the intervention of DRDO in establishing and funding The Society for Biomedical Technology, an interministerial initiative of the Government of India to promote affordable healthcare by providing indigenous solutions in the field of medical equipment and devices. At the end he quoted the famous quote of Dr. Kalam about mastering one’s problems.

After such an extraordinary presentation, Dr. K Venkatraman Award for Excellence in Engineering Graphics was given for students by the chief guests. The list of awardees was presented by Dr. B. Giriraj who expressed his respect to Dr. P.C Angelo and his strikingly influential presentation about the life and achievements of Dr. Kalam. The students for the award were tested for Basics in Engineering Graphics such as orthographic projection, isometric projection, freehand drawing etc. Nearly 100 students had participated, out of which five students from Mechanical Stream and five students from non-mechanical stream were awarded with cash prizes. The cash awards were funded by the alumni association. A special award was given to Mr. Prakash of Mechanical Engineering Department who Coordinated the competition.

Dr. V. Mohan Sivakumar delivered the vote of thanks. He expressed the joy in celebrating the day with the bright young community. He expressed his gratitude towards the Principal for arranging the function to enlighten the gathering. He said that the right person to be invited for the day was Dr. P.C Angelo, whose presentation sure had an impact on the students. He also thanked Dr. Giriraj for accepting and attending the invitation. He thanked all the people who made their august presence in the hall at the end. The celebrations of the “Youth Awakening Day” came to its end when everyone stood for the National Anthem, as a silent salute to the great missile man.